welcome to the AMPERS&ND COLLABORATION space.
the collaborative element of this project is integral to its core foundation. the underlying exploration of the economics and sociology of collaborative metacognition and creative synthesis started long before this project had a title, and involves continual work — both formal and abstract — in community with innovators, scholars, artists, and phenoms across disciplines, mediums, and geographic/modal borders. below are some examples of selected collaborations (at various stages of development) with some of these brilliant individuals. this page is currently under (ongoing) construction,
stay tuned for more to come.
COLL. 001 |
Art_ificial intelligence: dreams, data, and neuroaesthetics in the age of AI.
collaborators: s.j abiodun & luke nickel
medium(s): poetic, dialogue, written
modalities(s): visual, sonic, literary
categories: interdisciplinary aesthetic theory, interdisciplinary aesthetic practice
citation: Nickel, L.J & Abiodun, S.J. (In Press). Art_ificial intelligence: dreams, data, and neuroaesthetics in the age of AI. Journal for Comparative Literature and Aesthetics